Born in Indiana, farmer and contractor John Wilson has been active in organic farming and sustainable practices for nearly thirty years. In the late 1970’s and early 80’s John took intensive classes in building energy efficient structures, solar energy, organic farming methods and composting. He moved to Virginia Beach in 1979. John started his own composting business New Earth Compost when he moved to a five acre farm in Virginia Beach in 1995. New Earth Farm produces vegetables, fruits and pasture-raised eggs using the best of sustainable, beyond-organic methods. His produce is sold locally via a CSA, this market, the Old Beach Farmers’ Market, Virginia Garden at the Va. Beach Farmer’s Market, The Heritage Store, and Terra Nova. John is a long time member of the Virginia Association for Biological Farming.

No growers in this market use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides!

This market has a photo album too!

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